Functions are a way to encapsulate reusable logic in Python. They allow for modularity and make code easier to read and maintain.
A function is a block of code designed to perform a specific task. Functions are executed only when they are called.
def function_name(parameters):
# Code block
return result
Python provides many built-in functions like print()
, len()
, and type()
Functions that you define yourself using the def
These are functions created with the lambda
To define a function, use the def
keyword followed by the function name and parentheses.
To execute a function, call it by its name followed by parentheses, optionally passing arguments inside the parentheses.
def function_name(parameters):
# Code block
return result
def greet():
print("Hello, World!")
greet() # Output: Hello, World!
Function arguments allow you to pass data into functions. There are several types of function arguments in Python:
The simplest form, where arguments are passed in the same order as the function parameters.
def greet(name, age):
print(f"Hello {name}, you are {age} years old.")
greet("Alice", 25) # Output: Hello Alice, you are 25 years old.
You can pass arguments in the form key=value
, which allows you to specify values by name, rather than position.
def greet(name, age):
print(f"Hello {name}, you are {age} years old.")
greet(age=25, name="Bob") # Output: Hello Bob, you are 25 years old.
If an argument has a default value, it’s not mandatory to pass a value for that argument when calling the function.
def greet(name, age=30):
print(f"Hello {name}, you are {age} years old.")
greet("Charlie") # Output: Hello Charlie, you are 30 years old.
These allow you to pass an arbitrary number of arguments to a function using *args
for non-keyword arguments and **kwargs
for keyword arguments.
def greet(*names):
for name in names:
print(f"Hello {name}")
greet("Alice", "Bob", "Charlie")
Hello Alice
Hello Bob
Hello Charlie
def greet(**details):
for key, value in details.items():
print(f"{key}: {value}")
greet(name="Alice", age=25)
name: Alice
age: 25
The return
statement allows a function to send a result back to the caller.
def square(num):
return num ** 2
result = square(4)
print(result) # Output: 16
Lambda functions are concise, single-expression functions defined using the lambda
Lambda functions are small anonymous functions defined using the lambda
keyword. They can have any number of arguments but only one expression.
lambda arguments: expression
square = lambda x: x**2
print(square(4)) # Output: 16
Variables defined inside a function are local to that function and cannot be accessed outside.
def my_function():
x = 10 # Local variable
my_function() # Output: 10
print(x) # Error: NameError
Use docstrings to document the purpose of a function. These are defined using triple quotes.
def greet(name):
"""This function greets a person by their name."""
print(f"Hello, {name}!")
print(greet.__doc__) # Output: This function greets a person by their name.
Objective: Implement functions to solve problems and practice key concepts.
Write a Function to Calculate Factorial:
Write a function factorial(n)
that calculates the factorial of a number recursively.
def factorial(n):
if n == 0:
return 1
return n * factorial(n-1)
print(factorial(5)) # Output: 120
Write a Function to Check Prime Numbers:
Write a function is_prime(n)
that returns True
if a number is prime, otherwise False
def is_prime(n):
if n <= 1:
return False
for i in range(2, int(n**0.5) + 1):
if n % i == 0:
return False
return True
print(is_prime(7)) # Output: True
Create a Function with Default Parameters:
Write a function greet_person(name="Friend")
that prints a greeting.
def greet_person(name="Friend"):
print(f"Hello, {name}!")
greet_person() # Output: Hello, Friend!
greet_person("Alice") # Output: Hello, Alice!
Write a Lambda Function:
Create a lambda function that doubles a number and apply it to a list using map()
double = lambda x: x * 2
numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4]
print(list(map(double, numbers))) # Output: [2, 4, 6, 8]