Modules in Python

In Python, a module is a file that contains Python code. It can define functions, classes, and variables, and it can also include runnable code. Modules allow you to organize and reuse code, making it easier to manage large projects and applications.

What is a Module?

A module is simply a Python file with the .py extension. It can contain functions, classes, variables, and runnable code. Modules are designed to help in organizing the Python code logically into multiple files.

  • Functions
  • Variables
  • Classes
  • Other statements and imports

You can create your own module by creating a Python file with a .py extension and then importing it into other scripts.

Example of a Simple Module

Let's say you have a Python file named


def add(a, b):
    return a + b

def subtract(a, b):
    return a - b

This file is now a module, and you can import it into other Python files to use the add and subtract functions.

Importing a Module

To use a module, you must import it. Python provides several ways to import modules.

1. Importing the Entire Module

import math_operations

result = math_operations.add(5, 3)
print(result)  # Output: 8

In this case, the entire math_operations module is imported, and you access its functions using dot notation (module_name.function_name).

2. Importing Specific Functions or Variables from a Module

You can import specific functions from a module to avoid using the module name each time:

from math_operations import add

result = add(5, 3)
print(result)  # Output: 8

3. Importing a Module with an Alias

You can also use an alias to shorten the module name:

import math_operations as mo

result = mo.add(5, 3)
print(result)  # Output: 8

4. Importing All Functions from a Module

Using *, you can import all the functions from a module, but this is generally discouraged because it can lead to naming conflicts.

from math_operations import *

result = add(5, 3)
print(result)  # Output: 8

Types of Modules

There are several types of modules in Python:

1. Built-in Modules

Python comes with a standard library of built-in modules. These modules provide functionalities that are commonly needed in various applications. Some examples include math, os, sys, random, and datetime.

Example: Using the Built-in math Module

import math

result = math.sqrt(16)
print(result)  # Output: 4.0

2. External Modules

These are modules that are not part of Python's standard library but are available via package managers like pip. Examples include modules like requests, numpy, and pandas.

Example: Using the requests module

import requests

response = requests.get('')

You need to install external modules using pip before using them:

pip install requests

3. User-defined Modules or Custom Modules

These are modules that you or other developers create for specific projects. Custom modules allow for code reuse and better organization of large codebases.

Example: Creating a Custom Module


def greet(name):
    return f"Hello, {name}!"

Now, you can import and use the custom module in another Python script:

import my_module

message = my_module.greet("Alice")
print(message)  # Output: Hello, Alice!

4. Package Modules

A package is a collection of modules organized in a directory structure. A package may contain sub-packages and modules. A package is simply a directory containing an file (which can be empty).

Example of a Package


To use the modules from the package, you can import them like this:

from my_package import module1


Using Modules

Modules help you to break your Python program into smaller, manageable, and reusable components. To use a module, follow these general steps:

  1. Create the Module: Write a .py file with functions, classes, or variables.
  2. Import the Module: Use import or from ... import to access its content.
  3. Call Functions or Classes: Access the functions or classes from the module to use in your program.

Customizing Module Path

You can specify the path where Python looks for modules by modifying the sys.path list.


import sys

This will allow Python to search for modules in the specified path.

Reloading a Module

If you modify a module after importing it, you can use importlib.reload() to reload the module.


import math_operations
import importlib

# Modify manually or programmatically

importlib.reload(math_operations)  # Reload the module to reflect changes

This is particularly useful during development when you want to test changes to the module without restarting the entire program.

The __name__ Variable

Every Python module has a built-in variable __name__. This variable is set to '__main__' when the module is run directly (not imported). You can use this to write code that runs only when the module is executed directly, not when it is imported.



def greet(name):
    print(f"Hello, {name}!")

if __name__ == "__main__":

If you run directly, it will call the greet function. But if you import it into another script, nothing will happen automatically.

Note on Importing Modules in Virtual Environments

If you're working within a virtual environment, make sure the environment is activated before importing modules installed in it. This ensures that the correct version of the module is used and that there are no conflicts with the system-wide installation.


If you are using a virtual environment and have installed modules locally, ensure the virtual environment is activated before running your script. If not activated, Python will look for modules in the global environment instead of the virtual environment.

Best Practices for Using Modules

  • Name Modules Clearly: Choose clear and descriptive names for your modules that reflect their functionality.
  • Use Virtual Environments: Use virtual environments to isolate your project's dependencies, including external modules.
  • Keep Modules Small: Keep your modules focused on specific tasks and avoid large, monolithic modules.
  • Avoid Circular Imports: Circular imports occur when two modules import each other. This can create issues and should be avoided.

Practice: Using Modules in Python

Objective: Learn to create and use custom, built-in, and external Python modules.

  1. Create a Custom Module:

    • Create a Python file named
    • Add a function called multiply(a, b) that returns the product of two numbers.
    def multiply(a, b):
        return a * b
  2. Import and Use the Module:

    • In a separate Python file, import the multiply function from
    • Call multiply(4, 5) and print the result.
    from utilities import multiply
    print(multiply(4, 5))  # Output: 20
  3. Using Built-in Modules:

    • Import the math module and use the math.pow(x, y) function to calculate x raised to the power of y.
    import math
    result = math.pow(2, 3)
    print(result)  # Output: 8.0
  4. Install and Use an External Module:

    • Install the requests module using pip.
    pip install requests
    • Write a Python script to make an HTTP request to a public API and print the response.
    import requests
    response = requests.get("")
    print(response.json())  # Output: GitHub API response
  5. Create a Package:

    • Create a package named math_operations with two modules, and

      In, define a function add(a, b):

      # math_operations/
      def add(a, b):
          return a + b

      In, define a function subtract(a, b):

      # math_operations/
      def subtract(a, b):
          return a - b
    • Import both functions and use them in a new Python file.

    from math_operations.addition import add
    from math_operations.subtraction import subtract
    print(add(10, 5))        # Output: 15
    print(subtract(10, 5))   # Output: 5

By using modules, you can better structure your Python projects, promote code reuse, and improve maintainability. Modules are an essential concept in Python programming, and understanding how to use them effectively is key to becoming a proficient Python developer.

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